Stat Priority: Crit>Armor Pen>Power>Recovery.Ability Score Priority: Dexterity, Wisdom, Strength.Best Races: Wood Elf (1% increased critical chance, +2 Dexterity and Wisdom), Drow (Darkfire debuff, +2 Dexterity and Wisdom), Half-Orc (5% increased crit severity, +2 Dexterity), Dragonborn (+2 any two stats, 3% increased power and critical chance).Stat Priority: Power>Crit>Armor Pen>Recovery.Ability Score Priority: Intelligence, Charisma, Wisdom.Best Races: Tiefling (additional 5% dmg to enemies below half health, +2 Charisma and Intelligence or Constitution, Infernal Wrath debuff), Sun Elf (2% increased Action Point gain, +2 Intelligence and +2 Charisma), Human (3% increased defense, +2 any Ability Score), Metallic Ancestry Dragonborn (3% increased healing, 3% increased max HP,+2 any two stats, 3% increased power and critical chance), Moon Elf (1% increased Action Point and Stamina gain, +2 Intelligence and Charisma).Control Wizard – ranged dps – great crowd control class.Recommended Path: Anointed Champion for healing, Divine Oracle for dps/support.Ability Score Priority: Wisdom, Charisma, Strength.Best Races: Human (3% higher defense, +2 any Ability Score), Half Elf (1% increased Deflection and Critical Severity, +2 Charisma), Sun Elf, Drow (Darkfire is great debuff and makes it a good support race), Dragonborn (5% increased healing, +2 any two stats, 3% increased power and critical chance), Metallic Ancestry Dragonborn (3% increased healing, 3% increased max HP, +2 any two stats) (I personally chose Half-Elf).Devoted Cleric – healer, ranged dps/support.Stat Priority: Armor Pen>Crit>Power>Recovery.Ability Score Priority: Dexterity, Strength, Charisma.Best Races: Half-Orc (5% increased critical severity, +2 Dexterity and +2 Strength), Wood Elf (1% increased crit chance, +2 Dexterity, 10% increased resistance to slowing effects), Human (3% higher defense and +2 any Ability Score), Metallic Ancestry Dragonborn (3% increased max HP, +2 any two stats, 3% increased power and crit chance).The four main points I will be making for each class include best races (keep in mind that this is debatable and also I put races you must buy with Zen last even though in many cases they are arguably much better than the others), ability score priorities, stat priorities as well as recommended Paragon Path (also debatable).

This guide is aimed towards those who are trying to decide which class to play, or just want to know a little bit more about the class that they chose.